Wednesday 17 July 2013

Wongok High School Part II

Assimilating into Wongok High School culture and life is quite easy. I was nervous at first but even just after a week or so, I already feel like a member of staff here. 

Sitting at my desk in the office for the Korean Literature department.

The members of staff are really kind and seem to feed me all the time! Jin Seon Ha and Heo Jin Seok of the Korean Literature department, regularly bring me food when they come back from lessons, but I think sharing food is a big part of the culture here. I quite like that!

One example is this strange looking icecream, but actually sweetcorn and milk icecream works! It is basically a Wall’s Mini Milk but with sweetcorn in it.
Strange but tasty!

This week I taught the lesson that is required of the programme. With the language barrier it was basically impossible to teach a normal English lesson, so I focused on a lesson about England and the culture.

I taught to a class of girls who were extremely shy but were very sweet.

I used the same lesson for an energetic boy class, who actually seemed to know quite a lot about England. I was very impressed!

The task was to write down two things that they knew about England.
They then had to work together in groups, against the clock, to write down as much they could about England.

Unlike the girls, they had many questions at the end and were very interested in finding more about life in England and the culture.

I also observed an ICT lesson this week. The teacher was good-humoured and interesting to watch.

At the end, the teacher asked me to stand at the front to answer questions that the girls had prepared in advance. They asked me various things about my age, what it is like in England, my favourite entertainer and the food etc. They were also really interested in whether I had a partner or not. They love couples over here and will openly show that they feel sad for you, if you are single!

They asked me about the food we are typically known for so I showed them a picture of fish and chips, which was received with an “Ahhhhh” - they were mesmerised!

The last lesson I observed this week was a mathematics lesson. I couldn’t understand the lesson itself but what I did understand, was that the maths was extremely complicated! However, students were capable of doing the tasks and helped each other if they found it too difficult.

The teacher then selected key students to explain to the class how the equation should be completed.

One thing that I personally find quite impressive about the school is the sliding blackboards in classrooms. I think this is absolute genius, especially for short people like me! If we were to invest in these, then I will never have to stand on a chair to write the date, ever again! Just saying!

Board up...

Board down!
Although, I do think that the Head of School does really consider the comfort for students and staff. Students have homerooms where they are taught all day (with a few exceptions) and stay until 10pm. The key part of the term would be 'home' and the students do definitely try to make it as homely as possible and this is accepted by staff. Students also wear flip flops and again, this is for their comfort.

A student at her desk with what seems to be her whole life packed on one tiny table! Students also bring in blankets and cushions.
The school also have special lounges for staff to rest during their free periods. The rooms are separated by gender and have plush leather sofas, a bed and an amazingly relaxing massage chair! I think we definitely can learn from this!

Most amazing massage chair ever!

And there, I shall leave you with that wonderful thought…

Post written by Katey Man.